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The /sys/storage/raft/autopilot endpoints are used to manage raft clusters using autopilot with OpenBao's Integrated Storage backend.

Get cluster state

This endpoint is used to retrieve the raft cluster state. See the docs page for a description of the output.


Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \

Sample response

"healthy": true,
"failure_tolerance": 1,
"servers": {
"raft1": {
"id": "raft1",
"name": "raft1",
"address": "",
"node_status": "alive",
"last_contact": "0s",
"last_term": 3,
"last_index": 459,
"healthy": true,
"stable_since": "2021-03-19T20:14:11.831678-04:00",
"status": "leader",
"meta": null
"raft2": {
"id": "raft2",
"name": "raft2",
"address": "",
"node_status": "alive",
"last_contact": "516.49595ms",
"last_term": 3,
"last_index": 459,
"healthy": true,
"stable_since": "2021-03-19T20:14:19.831931-04:00",
"status": "voter",
"meta": null
"raft3": {
"id": "raft3",
"name": "raft3",
"address": "",
"node_status": "alive",
"last_contact": "196.706591ms",
"last_term": 3,
"last_index": 459,
"healthy": true,
"stable_since": "2021-03-19T20:14:25.83565-04:00",
"status": "voter",
"meta": null
"leader": "raft1",
"voters": ["raft1", "raft2", "raft3"],
"non_voters": null

Get configuration

This endpoint is used to get the configuration of the autopilot subsystem of Integrated Storage.


Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \

Sample response

"cleanup_dead_servers": false,
"dead_server_last_contact_threshold": "24h0m0s",
"last_contact_threshold": "10s",
"max_trailing_logs": 1000,
"min_quorum": 0,
"server_stabilization_time": "10s"

Set configuration

This endpoint is used to modify the configuration of the autopilot subsystem of Integrated Storage.



  • cleanup_dead_servers (bool: false) - Controls whether to remove dead servers from the Raft peer list periodically or when a new server joins. This requires that min_quorum is also set.

  • last_contact_threshold (string: "10s") - Limit on the amount of time a server can go without leader contact before being considered unhealthy.

  • dead_server_last_contact_threshold (string: "24h") - Limit on the amount of time a server can go without leader contact before being considered failed. This takes effect only when cleanup_dead_servers is true. This can not be set to a value smaller than 1m.

  • max_trailing_logs (int: 1000) - Amount of entries in the Raft Log that a server can be behind before being considered unhealthy.

  • min_quorum (int: 3) - Minimum number of servers allowed in a cluster before autopilot can prune dead servers. This should at least be 3. Applicable only for voting nodes.

  • server_stabilization_time (string: "10s") - Minimum amount of time a server must be in a stable, healthy state before it can be added to the cluster.

Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \

Sample payload

"cleanup_dead_servers": true,
"last_contact_threshold": "10s",
"dead_server_last_contact_threshold": "24h",
"max_trailing_logs": "1000",
"min_quorum": "3",
"server_stabilization_time": "10s"