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The /sys/audit endpoint is used to list, enable, and disable audit devices. Audit devices must be enabled before use, and more than one device may be enabled at a time.

List enabled audit devices

This endpoint lists only the enabled audit devices (it does not list all available audit devices).

  • sudo required – This endpoint requires sudo capability in addition to any path-specific capabilities.

Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \

Sample response

"file": {
"type": "file",
"description": "Store logs in a file",
"options": {
"file_path": "/var/log/openbao.log"

Enable audit device

This endpoint enables a new audit device at the supplied path. The path can be a single word name or a more complex, nested path.

  • sudo required – This endpoint requires sudo capability in addition to any path-specific capabilities.


  • path (string: <required>) – Specifies the path in which to enable the audit device. This is part of the request URL.

  • description (string: "") – Specifies a human-friendly description of the audit device.

  • options (map<string|string>: nil) – Specifies configuration options to pass to the audit device itself. For more details, please see the relevant page for an audit device type, under Audit Devices docs.

  • type (string: <required>) – Specifies the type of the audit device. Valid types are file, socket and syslog.

Sample payload

"type": "file",
"options": {
"file_path": "/var/log/openbao/log"

Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \

Disable audit device

This endpoint disables the audit device at the given path.


Note: Once an audit device is disabled, you will no longer be able to HMAC values for comparison with entries in the audit logs. This is true even if you re-enable the audit device at the same path, as a new salt will be created for hashing.

  • sudo required – This endpoint requires sudo capability in addition to any path-specific capabilities.


  • path (string: <required>) – Specifies the path of the audit device to delete. This is part of the request URL.

Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request DELETE \