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pki list-intermediates

This command determines which of a list of certificates were issued by a given parent certificate.


Usage: bao pki list-intermediates [flags] <parent> [child] [child] [child...

Lists the set of intermediate CAs issued by this parent issuer.

  • [flags] listed below determine the type of match required between the <parent> and each potential child, and the type of output

  • <parent> is the certificate that might be the issuer which everything is verified against.

  • [child] is an optional path to a certificate to be compared to the <parent>, or pki mounts to look for certificates on. If [child] is omitted entirely, the list will be constructed from all accessible pki mounts.

This returns a list of issuing certificates and whether they are a match. By default, the type of match required is whether the <parent> has the expected subject, authority/subject key id match, and could have (directly) signed this issuer. The match criteria can be updated by changed the corresponding flag.


  • -use_names (bool: "false") - this determines how issuers are referred to in the output, whether by issuer_id (the default), or by their name, or status as default issuer (when use_names is true)

The following flags determine what sorts of relationship between the parent and potential child issuers are considered a match.

  • -subject_match (bool: "true") - determines whether the subject of the parent-issuer must match the issuer of the potential child for this to be considered a match

  • -key_id_match (bool: "true") - determines whether the identifier of the parent-issuer must match the IUI of the potential child for this to be considered a match

  • -direct_verify (bool: "true") - determines whether it is required for this to be a match that someone trusting the parent certificate would trust the potential-child certificate (without any more information)

  • -indirect-sign (bool: "true") - determines whether it is required for this to be a match that if someone trusted the first certificate, they would trust the potential-child certificate (using the certificate chains available)

  • -path_contains (bool: "false") - determines whether it is required for this to be a match for the ca_chain of the potential child certificate to contain the parent certificate

Accessed APIs

Note that the OpenBao user running this command will need to have access to the following API endpoints, each representing a step in the process:

  • READ /:parent
  • LIST /sys/mounts - when no [child] argument is provided, this is used to find a list of pki mounts
  • LIST /:child_mount/issuers/ - when no [child] argument is provided, or the [child] argument is a mount rather than an issuer, this is used to find a list of pki issuers on the mount
  • READ /:child - each potential child issuer is read for comparison against the parent


$ bao pki list-intermediates /pki_root/issuer/default
intermediate match?
------------ ------
pki_int_2/issuer/d4404ccc-3ad4-83a9-f5df-398637654b3b true
pki_int_2/issuer/db0b0a6c-6641-ac15-363a-4e5261315581 true
pki_root/issuer/9464c4fe-e8a6-d96a-0566-021575e7382c true
pki_int/issuer/2f958ec5-1838-336e-331b-07032379b958 true
pki_int/issuer/b8cc0b41-e0e9-1a92-12c4-6849c9d6f837 true