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The pki command groups subcommands for interacting with OpenBao's PKI Secrets Engine.


Option flags for a given subcommand are provided after the subcommand, but before the arguments.

Example health check

To health check a mount, use the bao pki health-check <mount> command:

$ bao pki health-check pki
status endpoint message
------ -------- -------
ok /pki/issuer/da41ffb1-cc6d-5a5c-f147-e4d7beeb1b73 Issuer's validity (2032-12-17) is OK

... more output elided ...

Example verify sign

To verify the signature between two issuer certificates, use the bao pki verify-sign <parent> <child> command:

$ bao pki verify-sign pki_root/issuer/root pki_int/issuer/FirstDepartment

field value
----- -----
subject_match true
path_match true
trust_match true
key_id_match true
signature_match true

Example list child issuers

To list intermediate certificates potentially issued by a certificate inside OpenBao, use the bao pki list-intermediates <parent> command:

$ bao pki list-intermediates /pki_root/issuer/default
intermediate match?
------------ ------
pki_int_2/issuer/d4404ccc-3ad4-83a9-f5df-398637654b3b true
pki_int_2/issuer/db0b0a6c-6641-ac15-363a-4e5261315581 true
pki_root/issuer/9464c4fe-e8a6-d96a-0566-021575e7382c true
pki_int/issuer/2f958ec5-1838-336e-331b-07032379b958 true
pki_int/issuer/b8cc0b41-e0e9-1a92-12c4-6849c9d6f837 true

Example issue

To issue a new issuer certificate, use the bao pki issue <parent-certificate-path> <mount> command:

$ bao pki issue -issuer_name="FirstDepartment" /pki_root/issuer/default /pki_int/ common_name=""
Key Value
--- -----
ca_chain [-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

Example reissue

To reissue an issuer certificate, using the same fields as an existing issuer template, use the bao pki reissue <parent-certificate-path> <template> <mount> command:

$ bao pki reissue -issuer_name="SecondDepartment" /pki_root/issuer/default /pki_int/issuer/FirstDepartment /pki_int_2/ common_name=""
Key Value
--- -----
ca_chain [-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----