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operator diagnose

The operator diagnose command should be used primarily when OpenBao is down or partially inoperational. The command can be used safely regardless of the state OpenBao is in, but may return meaningless results for some of the test cases if the OpenBao server is already running.

Note: if you run the diagnose command proactively, either before a server starts or while a server is operational, please consult the documentation on the individual checks below to see which checks are returning false error messages or warnings.


The following flags are available in addition to the standard set of flags included on all commands.

Output options

  • -format (string: "table") - Print the output in the given format. Valid formats are "table", "json", or "yaml". This can also be specified via the BAO_FORMAT environment variable.

Output layout

The operator diagnose command will output a set of lines in the CLI. Each line will begin with a prefix in parenthesis. These are:.

  • [ success ] - Denotes that the check was successful.
  • [ warning ] - Denotes that the check has passed, but that there may be potential issues to look into that may relate to the issues OpenBao is experiencing. Diagnose warns frequently. These warnings are meant to serve as starting points in the debugging process.
  • [ failure ] - Denotes that the check has failed. Failures are critical issues in the eyes of the diagnose command.

In addition to these prefixed lines, there may be output lines that are not prefixed, but are color-coded purple. These are advice lines from Diagnose, and are meant to offer general guidance on how to go about fixing potential warnings or failures that may arise.

Warn or fail prefixes in nested checks will bubble up to the parent if the prefix superceeds the parent prefix. Fail superceeds warn, and warn superceeds ok. For example, if the TLS checks under the Storage check fails, the [ failure ] prefix will bubble up to the Storage check.

Command options

  • -config (string; "") - The path to the OpenBao configuration file used by the OpenBao server on startup.

Diagnose checks

The following section details the various checks that Diagnose runs. Check names in documentation will be separated by slashes to denote that they are nested, when applicable. For example, a check documented as A / B will show up as B in the operator diagnose output, and will be nested (indented) under A.

OpenBao diagnose

OpenBao Diagnose is the top level check that contains the rest of the checks. It will report the status of the check

Check operating system / check open file limit

Check Open File Limit verifies that the open file limit value is set high enough for OpenBao to run effectively. We recommend setting these limits to at least 1024768.

This check will be skipped on openbsd, arm, and windows.

Check operating system / check disk usage

Check Disk Usage will report disk usage for each partition. For each partition on a prod host, we recommend having at least 5% of the partition free to use, and at least 1 GB of space.

This check will be skipped on openbsd and arm.

Parse configuration

Parse Configuration will check the OpenBao server config file for syntax errors. It will check for extra values in the configuration file, repeated stanzas, and stanzas that do not belong in the configuration file (for example a "tcpp" listener as opposed to a tcp listener).

Currently, the storage stanza is not checked.

Check storage / create storage backend

Create Storage Backend ensures that the storage stanza configured in the OpenBao server config has enough information to create a storage object internally. Common errors will have to do with misconfigured fields in the storage stanza.

Check storage / check raft folder permissions

Check Raft Folder Permissions computes the permissions on the raft folder, checks that a boltDB file has been initialized within the folder previously, and ensures that the folder is not too permissive, but at the same time has enough permissions to be used. The raft folder should not have other permissions, but should have group rw or owner rw, depending on different setups. This check also warns if it detects a symlink being used.

Note that this check will warn that a raft file has not been created if diagnose is run without any pre-existing server runs.

This check will be skipped on windows.

Check storage / check raft folder ownership

Check Raft Folder Ownership ensures that OpenBao does not need to run as root to access the boltDB folder.

Note that this check will warn that a raft file has not been created if diagnose is run without any pre-existing server runs.

This check will be skipped on windows.

Check storage / check for raft quorum

Check For Raft Quorum uses the FSM to ensure that there were an odd number of voters in the raft quorum when OpenBao was last running.

Note that this check will warn that there are 0 voters if diagnose is run without any pre-existing server runs.

Check storage / check storage access

Check Storage Access will try to write a dud value, named diagnose/latency/<uuid>, to storage. Ensure that there is no important data at this location before running diagnose, as this check will overwrite that data. This check will then try to list and read the value it wrote to ensure the name and value is as expected.

Check Storage Access will warn if any operation takes longer than 100ms, and error out if the entire check takes longer than 30s.

Check service discovery / check consul service discovery TLS

Check Consul Service Discovery TLS verifies TLS information included in the service discovery stanza if the storage type is consul. If a certificate chain is provided, Diagnose parses the root, intermediate, and leaf certificates, and checks each one for correctness.

Check service discovery / check consul direct service discovery

Check Consul Direct Service Discovery is a consul-specific check that ensures OpenBao is not accessing the consul server directly, but rather through a local agent.

Create OpenBao server configuration seals

Create OpenBao Server Configuration Seals creates seals from the OpenBao configuration stanza and verifies they can be initialized and finalized.

Check transit seal TLS

Check Transit Seal TLS checks the TLS client certificate, key, and CA certificate provided in a transit seal stanza (if one exists) for correctness.

Create core configuration / initialize randomness for core

Initialize Randomness for Core ensures that OpenBao has access to the randReader that the OpenBao core uses.

HA storage

This check and any nested checks will be the same as the Check Storage checks. The only difference is that the checks here will be run on whatever is specified in the ha_storage section of the OpenBao configuration, as opposed to the storage section.

Determine redirect address

Ensures that one of the VAULT_API_ADDR, VAULT_REDIRECT_ADDR, or VAULT_ADVERTISE_ADDR environment variables are set, or that the redirect address is specified in the OpenBao configuration.

Check cluster address

Parses the cluster address from the VAULT_CLUSTER_ADDR environment variable, or from the redirect address or cluster address specified in the OpenBao configuration, and checks that the address is of the form host:port.

Check core creation

Check Core Creation verifies the logical configuration checks that OpenBao does when it creates a core object. These are runtime checks, meaning any errors thrown by this diagnose test will also be thrown by the OpenBao server itself when it is run.

Start listeners / check listener TLS

Check Listener TLS verifies the server certificate file and key are valid and matching. It also checks the client CA file, if one is provided, for a valid certificate, and performs the standard runtime listener checks on the listener configuration stanza, such as verifying that the minimum and maximum TLS versions are within the bounds of what OpenBao supports.

Like all the other Diagnose TLS checks, it will warn if any of the certificates provided are set to expire within the next month.

Start listeners / create listeners

Create Listeners uses the listener configuration to initialize the listeners, erroring with a server error if anything goes wrong.

Check autounseal encryption

Check Autounseal Encryption will initialize the barrier using the seal stanza, if the seal type is not a shamir seal, and use it to encrypt and decrypt a dud value.

Check server before runtime

Check Server Before Runtime achieves parity with the server run command, running through the runtime code checks before the server is initialized to ensure that nothing fails. This check will never fail without another diagnose check failing.