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secrets list

The secrets list command lists the enabled secrets engines on the OpenBao server. This command also outputs information about the enabled path including configured TTLs and human-friendly descriptions. A TTL of "system" indicates that the system default is in use.

Deprecation status column

As of 1.12, all built-in secrets engines will have an associated Deprecation Status. This status will be reflected in the Deprecation Status column, seen below. All secrets engines which are not provided by built-in plugins will show a Deprecation Status of "n/a".

Version columns

The -detailed view displays some version information for each mount.

The Version field indicates the configured version for the plugin. Empty, or "n/a", indicates the built-in or any matching unversioned plugin that may have been registered.

Running Version indicates the actual plugin version running, which may differ from Version if the plugin hasn't been reloaded since the configured version was updated using the secrets tune command. Finally, the Running SHA256 field indicates the SHA256 sum of the running plugin's binary. This may be different from the SHA256 registered in the catalog if the plugin hasn't been reloaded since the plugin version was overwritten in the catalog.


List all enabled secrets engines:

$ bao secrets list
Path Type Accessor Description
---- ---- -------- -----------
cubbyhole/ cubbyhole cubbyhole_548b4dc5 per-token private secret storage
secret/ kv identity_aa00c06d key/value secret storage
sys/ system system_547412e3 system endpoints used for control, policy and debugging

List all enabled secrets engines with detailed output:

$ bao secrets list -detailed
Path Plugin Accessor Default TTL Max TTL Force No Cache Replication Seal Wrap External Entropy Access Options Description UUID Version Running Version Running SHA256 Deprecation Status
---- ------ -------- ----------- ------- -------------- ----------- --------- ----------------------- ------- ----------- ---- ------- --------------- -------------- ------------------
cubbyhole/ cubbyhole cubbyhole_b16d1bc0 n/a n/a false local false false map[] per-token private secret storage 8c64d56b-9d46-d667-1155-a8c1a83a5d01 n/a v1.12.0+builtin.bao n/a n/a
identity/ identity identity_3d67c936 system system false replicated false false map[] identity store 5aa1e59c-33b5-9dec-05d6-c80c9a800557 n/a v1.12.0+builtin.bao n/a n/a
postgresql/ postgresql postgresql_f0a54308 system system false replicated false false map[] n/a 8cdc1d2d-0713-eaa6-17e3-49790a60650b n/a v1.12.0+builtin.bao n/a deprecated
sys/ system system_c86bd362 n/a n/a false replicated true false map[] system endpoints used for control, policy and debugging e3193999-0875-d38d-3458-21d9f2762c80 n/a v1.12.0+builtin.bao n/a n/a


The following flags are available in addition to the standard set of flags included on all commands.

Output options

  • -format (string: "table") - Print the output in the given format. Valid formats are "table", "json", or "yaml". This can also be specified via the BAO_FORMAT environment variable.

Command options

  • -detailed (bool: false) - Print detailed information such as configuration and replication status about each secrets engine.