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plugin reload

The plugin reload command is used to reload mounted plugin backends. Either the plugin name (plugin) or the desired plugin backend mounts (mounts) must be provided, but not both. In the case that the plugin name is provided, all mounted paths that use that plugin backend will be reloaded.


Reload a plugin by name:

$ bao plugin reload -plugin my-custom-plugin
Success! Reloaded plugin: my-custom-plugin

Reload an auth plugin by mount:

$ bao plugin reload \
-mounts auth/my-custom-plugin-1 \
-mounts auth/my-custom-plugin-2
Success! Reloaded mounts: [auth/my-custom-plugin-1/ auth/my-custom-plugin-2/]

Reload a secrets plugin by mount:

$ bao plugin reload \
-mounts my-custom-plugin-1 \
-mounts my-custom-plugin-2
Success! Reloaded mounts: [my-custom-plugin-1/ my-custom-plugin-2/]


The following flags are available in addition to the standard set of flags included on all commands.

Command options

  • -plugin (string: "") - The name of the plugin to reload, as registered in the plugin catalog.

  • -mounts (array: []) - Array or comma-separated string mount paths of the plugin backends to reload.

  • -scope (string: "") - The scope of the reload. For local reloads, omit this flag. For reloads that span multiple OpenBao clusters, use global.