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kv patch


NOTE: This is a K/V Version 2 secrets engine command, and not available for Version 1.

The kv patch command writes the data to the given path in the K/V v2 secrets engine. The data can be of any type. Unlike the kv put command, the patch command combines the change with existing data instead of replacing them. Therefore, this command makes it easy to make a partial updates to an existing data.


If you wish to add an additional key-value (ttl=48h) to the existing data at the key "creds":

$ bao kv patch -mount=secret creds ttl=48h
== Secret Path ==

======= Metadata =======
Key Value
--- -----
created_time 2019-06-06T16:46:22.090654Z
deletion_time n/a
destroyed false
version 6

NOTE: The kv put command requires both the existing data and the data you wish to add in order to accomplish the same result.

$ bao kv put -mount=secret creds ttl=48h passcode=my-long-passcode

The data can also be consumed from a file on disk by prefixing with the "@" symbol. For example:

$ bao kv patch -mount=secret creds @data.json

Or it can be read from stdin using the "-" symbol:

$ echo "abcd1234" | bao kv patch -mount=secret foo bar=-


Output options

  • -field (string: "") - Print only the field with the given name. Specifying this option will take precedence over other formatting directives. The result will not have a trailing newline making it ideal for piping to other processes.

  • -format (string: "table") - Print the output in the given format. Valid formats are "table", "json", or "yaml". This can also be specified via the BAO_FORMAT environment variable.

Command options

  • -method (string: "patch") - Specifies the patch method to use. Valid methods are patch and rw. The patch method uses an HTTP PATCH request to apply the partial update. The rw method will fetch the secret's data, perform an in-memory update, and write the updated data.

  • -cas (int: 0) - Specifies the value to use for the Check-And-Set operation. This flag will only be used for the patch method. This flag is required if cas_required is set to true on either the secret or the engine's config. In order for a patch to be successful, -cas must be set to the current version of the secret. This flag will be ignored for the rw method. Instead, its value will be derived from fetching the current version of the secret.

  • -mount (string: "") - Specifies the path where the KV backend is mounted. If specified, the next argument will be interpreted as the secret path. If this flag is not specified, the next argument will be interpreted as the combined mount path and secret path, with /data/ automatically inserted for KV v2 secrets.