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kv delete

The kv delete command deletes the data for the provided path in the key/value secrets engine. If using K/V Version 2, its versioned data will not be fully removed, but marked as deleted and will no longer be returned in normal get requests.


Delete the latest version of the key "creds":

$ bao kv delete -mount=secret creds
Success! Data deleted (if it existed) at: secret/creds

[K/V Version 2] Delete version 11 of key "creds":

$ bao kv delete -mount=secret -versions=11 creds
Success! Data deleted (if it existed) at: secret/data/creds


There are no flags beyond the standard set of flags included on all commands.

Command options

  • -mount (string: "") - Specifies the path where the KV backend is mounted. If specified, the next argument will be interpreted as the secret path. If this flag is not specified, the next argument will be interpreted as the combined mount path and secret path, with /data/ automatically inserted for KV v2 secrets.

  • -versions ([]int: <required>) - The versions to be deleted. The versioned data will not be deleted, but it will no longer be returned in normal get requests.

NOTE: The -versions command option is only for K/V v2.