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The version-history command prints the historical list of installed OpenBao versions in chronological order.

Note: Version tracking was added in 1.9.0. Earlier versions have not been tracked.
The Build Date will only be available for versions 1.11.0 or greater.

Version Installation Time Build Date
------- ----------------- ----------
1.9.0 2021-11-18T10:23:16Z
1.9.1 2022-12-13T11:09:52Z
1.9.2 2021-12-23T10:56:37Z
1.11.0 2022-05-03T13:16:04Z 2022-05-03T08:34:11Z

## Usage

The following flags are available in addition to the [standard set of
flags](/docs/commands) included on all commands.

### Output options

- `-format` `(string: "table")` - Print the output in the given format. Valid
formats are "table" or json". This can also be specified via the
`BAO_FORMAT` environment variable.