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The status command prints the current state of OpenBao including whether it is sealed and if HA mode is enabled. This command prints regardless of whether the OpenBao is sealed.

The exit code reflects the seal status:

  • 0 - unsealed
  • 1 - error
  • 2 - sealed


Check the status:

$ bao status

Sealed: false
Key Shares: 5
Key Threshold: 3
Unseal Progress: 0
Unseal Nonce:
Version: x.y.z
Build Date: 2022-05-03T08:34:11Z
Cluster Name: openbao-cluster-49ffd45f
Cluster ID: d2dad792-fb99-1c8d-452e-528d073ba205

High-Availability Enabled: false


The following flags are available in addition to the standard set of flags included on all commands.

Output options

  • -format (string: "table") - Print the output in the given format. Valid formats are "table", "json", or "yaml". This can also be specified via the BAO_FORMAT environment variable.

By default, the output is displayed in "table" format.

Output fields

  1. The field for total shares is displayed as "n" instead of n in yaml outputs.
  2. The following fields in "table" format are displayed only when relevant:
  • "Unseal Progress" and "Unseal Nonce" are displayed when OpenBao is sealed.
  • "Seal Migration in Progress" is displayed when it is in progress.
  • "Cluster Name" and "Cluster ID" are displayed if they have a value.
  • "Raft Committed Index", "Raft Applied Index", "Last WAL" are diplayed if they are non-zero.
  • "Warnings" are displayed if the warnings apply.
  • The following fields are displayed only when HA mode is enabled and is unsealed:
    • "HA Cluster".
    • "HA Mode".
    • "Active Since" is displayed if the node is active and has a valid active time.