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audit list

The audit list command lists the audit devices enabled. The output lists the enabled audit devices and options for those devices.


List all audit devices:

$ bao audit list
Path Type Description
---- ---- -----------
file/ file n/a

List detailed audit device information:

$ bao audit list -detailed
Path Type Description Replication Options
---- ---- ----------- ----------- -------
file/ file n/a replicated file_path=/var/log/audit.log


The following flags are available in addition to the standard set of flags included on all commands.

Output options

  • -format (string: "table") - Print the output in the given format. Valid formats are "table", "json", or "yaml". This can also be specified via the BAO_FORMAT environment variable.

Command options

  • -detailed (bool: false) - Print detailed information such as options and replication status about each auth device.