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RADIUS auth method

The radius auth method allows users to authenticate with OpenBao using an existing RADIUS server that accepts the PAP authentication scheme.


The default path is /radius. If this auth method was enabled at a different path, specify -path=/my-path in the CLI.

Via the CLI

$ bao login -method=radius username=sethvargo

Via the API

The default endpoint is auth/radius/login. If this auth method was enabled at a different path, use that value instead of radius.

$ curl \
--request POST \
--data '{"password": "..."}' \

The response will contain a token at auth.client_token:

"auth": {
"client_token": "c4f280f6-fdb2-18eb-89d3-589e2e834cdb",
"policies": ["admins"],
"metadata": {
"username": "mitchellh"


Via the CLI

  1. Enable the radius auth method:

    $ bao auth enable radius
  2. Configure connection details for your RADIUS server.

    $ bao write auth/radius/users/mitchellh policies=admins

    For the complete list of configuration options, please see the API documentation.

    The above creates a new mapping for user "mitchellh" that will be associated with the "admins" policy.

    Alternatively, OpenBao can assign a configurable set of policies to any user that successfully authenticates with the RADIUS server but has no explicit mapping in the users/ path. This is done through the unregistered_user_policies configuration parameter.


The RADIUS auth method has a full HTTP API. Please see the RADIUS Auth API for more details.