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OpenBao Auto-Auth JWT method

The jwt method reads in a JWT from a file and sends it to the JWT Auth method.


  • path (string: required) - The path to the JWT file

  • role (string: required) - The role to authenticate against on OpenBao

  • remove_jwt_after_reading (bool: optional, defaults to true) - This can be set to false to disable the default behavior of removing the JWT after it's been read.

  • remove_jwt_follows_symlinks (bool: optional, defaults to false) - This can be set to true to follow symlinks when removing the JWT after it has been read when executing the remove_jwt_after_reading behaviour. If set to false, it will delete the symlink, not the JWT. Does nothing if remove_jwt_after_reading is false.

  • jwt_read_period (duration: "0.5s", optional) - The duration after which Agent will attempt to read the JWT stored at path. Defaults to 1m if remove_jwt_after_reading is set to true, or 0.5s otherwise. Uses duration format strings.