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Feature deprecation notice and plans

This announcement page is maintained and updated periodically to communicate important decisions made concerning End of Support(EoS) for OpenBao features as well as features we have removed or disabled from the project. We document the removal of features, enable the community with a plan and timeline for eventual deprecations, and supply alternative paths to explore and evaluate to minimize business disruptions. If you have questions or concerns about a deprecated feature, please create a topic on the community forum. Please refer to the FAQ page for frequently asked questions concerning OpenBao feature deprecations.

Deprecation Announcement: This indicates the release version during which the announcement was made to deprecate a feature.

End of Support: This indicates when a deprecated feature becomes unsupported. Consult the table below and consider the timeline provided to upgrade.

Feature Removal: This indicates that the feature is completely removed/disabled from the project.


Note: All specified targeted version announcements for End of Support and Feature Removal may be subject to change.

FeatureDeprecation announcementEnd of SupportFeature RemovalMigration Path/ImpactResources