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Kerberos auth method (API)


Note: This engine can use external X.509 certificates as part of TLS or signature validation. Verifying signatures against X.509 certificates that use SHA-1 is deprecated and is no longer usable without a workaround. See the deprecation FAQ for more information.

This is the API documentation for the OpenBao Kerberos auth method plugin. To learn more about the usage and operation, see the OpenBao Kerberos auth method.

This documentation assumes the Kerberos auth method is mounted at the auth/kerberos path in OpenBao. Since it is possible to enable auth methods at any location, please update your API calls accordingly.

The Kerberos auth method validates both Kerberos and LDAP authorization, so both configurations are required.

Configure OpenBao Kerberos

This endpoint configures the keytab and service account to be used by OpenBao for verifying inbound SPNEGO tokens.

  • keytab (string: <required>) – A base 64 representation of the contents of the Kerberos keytab that will be used for verifying inbound SPNEGO tokens. It should contain an entry matching the service account given. This can be created through the following command: $ base64 openbao.keytab > openbao.keytab.base64.
  • service_account (string: <required>) – The service account associated with both the keytab entry and an LDAP service account created for OpenBao. Ex.: "openbao_svc".
  • remove_instance_name - Removes any instance names from a Kerberos service principal name when parsing the keytab file. For example when this is set to true, if a keytab has the service principal name foo/, OpenBao will strip the service principal name to just be
  • add_group_aliases - When set to true, OpenBao will add any LDAP groups found for the user as group aliases.

Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \

Sample payload

"add_group_aliases": false,
"remove_instance_name": false,
"service_account": "openbao_svc"

Read OpenBao Kerberos

This endpoint retrieves the service account for the Kerberos auth method. The keytab is not returned because it is sensitive information.


Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \

Sample response

"auth": null,
"warnings": null,
"wrap_info": null,
"data": {
"add_group_aliases": false,
"remove_instance_name": false,
"service_account": "openbao_svc"
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"lease_id": ""

Configure Kerberos LDAP

This endpoint configures LDAP in the Kerberos auth method.



  • url (string: <required>) – The LDAP server to connect to. Examples: ldap://, ldaps:// Multiple URLs can be specified with commas, e.g. ldap://,ldap://; these will be tried in-order.
  • case_sensitive_names (bool: false) – If set, user and group names assigned to policies within the backend will be case sensitive. Otherwise, names will be normalized to lower case. Case will still be preserved when sending the username to the LDAP server at login time; this is only for matching local user/group definitions.
  • starttls (bool: false) – If true, issues a StartTLS command after establishing an unencrypted connection.
  • tls_min_version (string: tls12) – Minimum TLS version to use. Accepted values are tls10, tls11, tls12 or tls13.
  • tls_max_version (string: tls12) – Maximum TLS version to use. Accepted values are tls10, tls11, tls12 or tls13.
  • insecure_tls (bool: false) – If true, skips LDAP server SSL certificate verification - insecure, use with caution!
  • certificate (string: "") – CA certificate to use when verifying LDAP server certificate, must be x509 PEM encoded.
  • binddn (string: "") – Distinguished name of object to bind when performing user search. Example: cn=openbao,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com
  • bindpass (string: "") – Password to use along with binddn when performing user search.
  • userdn (string: "") – Base DN under which to perform user search. Example: ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com
  • userattr (string: "") – Attribute on user attribute object matching the username passed when authenticating. Examples: sAMAccountName, cn, uid
  • discoverdn (bool: false) – Use anonymous bind to discover the bind DN of a user.
  • deny_null_bind (bool: true) – This option prevents users from bypassing authentication when providing an empty password.
  • upndomain (string: "") – The userPrincipalDomain used to construct the UPN string for the authenticating user. The constructed UPN will appear as [username]@UPNDomain. Example:, which will cause openbao to bind as
  • groupfilter (string: "") – Go template used when constructing the group membership query. The template can access the following context variables: [UserDN, Username]. The default is (|(memberUid={{.Username}})(member={{.UserDN}})(uniqueMember={{.UserDN}})), which is compatible with several common directory schemas. To support nested group resolution for Active Directory, instead use the following query: (&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={{.UserDN}})).
  • groupdn (string: "") – LDAP search base to use for group membership search. This can be the root containing either groups or users. Example: ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
  • groupattr (string: "") – LDAP attribute to follow on objects returned by groupfilter in order to enumerate user group membership. Examples: for groupfilter queries returning group objects, use: cn. For queries returning user objects, use: memberOf. The default is cn.
  • token_ttl (integer: 0 or string: "") - The incremental lifetime for generated tokens. This current value of this will be referenced at renewal time.
  • token_max_ttl (integer: 0 or string: "") - The maximum lifetime for generated tokens. This current value of this will be referenced at renewal time.
  • token_policies (array: [] or comma-delimited string: "") - List of token policies to encode onto generated tokens. Depending on the auth method, this list may be supplemented by user/group/other values.
  • policies (array: [] or comma-delimited string: "") - DEPRECATED: Please use the token_policies parameter instead. List of token policies to encode onto generated tokens. Depending on the auth method, this list may be supplemented by user/group/other values.
  • token_bound_cidrs (array: [] or comma-delimited string: "") - List of CIDR blocks; if set, specifies blocks of IP addresses which can authenticate successfully, and ties the resulting token to these blocks as well.
  • token_strictly_bind_ip (bool: false) - If set, the token will be restricted to the source IP address making the initial login request. This conflicts with token_bound_cidrs.
  • token_explicit_max_ttl (integer: 0 or string: "") - If set, will encode an explicit max TTL onto the token. This is a hard cap even if token_ttl and token_max_ttl would otherwise allow a renewal.
  • token_no_default_policy (bool: false) - If set, the default policy will not be set on generated tokens; otherwise it will be added to the policies set in token_policies.
  • token_num_uses (integer: 0) - The maximum number of times a generated token may be used (within its lifetime); 0 means unlimited. If you require the token to have the ability to create child tokens, you will need to set this value to 0.
  • token_period (integer: 0 or string: "") - The maximum allowed period value when a periodic token is requested from this role.
  • token_type (string: "") - The type of token that should be generated. Can be service, batch, or default to use the mount's tuned default (which unless changed will be service tokens). For token store roles, there are two additional possibilities: default-service and default-batch which specify the type to return unless the client requests a different type at generation time.

Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \

Sample payload

"binddn": "cn=openbao,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com",
"deny_null_bind": true,
"discoverdn": false,
"groupattr": "cn",
"groupdn": "ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com",
"groupfilter": "(\u0026(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={{.UserDN}}))",
"insecure_tls": false,
"starttls": false,
"tls_max_version": "tls12",
"tls_min_version": "tls12",
"url": "ldaps://",
"userattr": "samaccountname",
"userdn": "ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com"

Read Kerberos LDAP configuration

This endpoint retrieves the LDAP configuration for the Kerberos auth method.


Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \

Sample response

"auth": null,
"warnings": null,
"wrap_info": null,
"data": {
"binddn": "cn=openbao,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com",
"bindpass": "",
"certificate": "",
"deny_null_bind": true,
"discoverdn": false,
"groupattr": "cn",
"groupdn": "ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com",
"groupfilter": "(\u0026(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={{.UserDN}}))",
"insecure_tls": false,
"starttls": false,
"tls_max_version": "tls12",
"tls_min_version": "tls12",
"upndomain": "",
"url": "ldaps://",
"userattr": "samaccountname",
"userdn": "ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com"
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"lease_id": ""

List Kerberos LDAP groups

This endpoint returns a list of existing LDAP groups in the Kerberos auth method.



  • after (string: "") - Optional entry to begin listing after for pagination; not required to exist.

  • limit (int: 0) - Optional number of entries to return; defaults to all entries.

Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request LIST \

Sample response

"auth": null,
"warnings": null,
"wrap_info": null,
"data": {
"keys": ["scientists", "engineers"]
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"lease_id": ""

Read Kerberos LDAP group

This endpoint returns the policies associated with a Kerberos LDAP group.



  • name (string: <required>) – The name of the LDAP group.

Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \

Sample response

"data": {
"policies": ["admin", "default"]
"renewable": false,
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"warnings": null

Create/Update Kerberos LDAP group

This endpoint creates or updates LDAP group policies.



  • name (string: <required>) – The name of the LDAP group.
  • policies (string: "") – Comma-separated list of policies associated to the group.

Sample payload

"policies": "admin,default"

Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \

Delete Kerberos LDAP group

This endpoint deletes the LDAP group and policy association.



  • name (string: <required>) – The name of the LDAP group.

Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request DELETE \

Login with Kerberos

This endpoint allows you to log in with a valid Kerberos SPNEGO token. This token is obtained by the client, marshalled, and converted to base 64 using standard encoding.

Example SPNEGO token (newlines added for readability):


Sample request

$ curl \
--header "Authorization: Negotiate YIIFSw...sWw" \
--request POST \