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Plugin support policy

This policy was original discussed on GitHub and ratified on the February 1st, 2024 meeting.

This proposal outlines plugins to support, based on the four major types of plugins (auth, secrets, database -- a specialization of secrets, and storage).

The philosophy of this plugin reduction is as follows:

  1. Minimize maintenance burden on the open source community.
  2. Prioritize community supportable & debuggable OSI licensed integrations over proprietary integrations.
  3. Become opinionated on an approach to plugins in general.
  4. Allow a broader community to maintain external plugins.

In particular, this means that plugins previously built-in like database/mongodb no longer are first-class supported as they are not under an OSI license. Similarly, all cloud vendors' plugins have been moved external as well, for the community to support independent of the main core release cycle.

This proposal suggests aligning with Lars's proposal to move builtin, supported plugins into the main repository: these builtin plugins will be released with the binary and thus versioned similarly. External, community-supported plugins can be in separate repositories released as separate binaries & container images, allowing additional maintainers to be added. This has the added benefit of not tying these external plugins to the main repository's release cycle, allowing contributors to release as they see fit and not holding up the main release on third-party dependencies.

(To be clear -- For non-OSI integration plugins for which the broader community is interest in maintaining them, the suggested mechanism is via a separate repository, building external plugins (rather than built-in to the release binary). This will allow additional maintainers to be nominated (without commit access to the main repository) and allows for a separate release schedule more suitable for this plugin. This is to say, the broader OpenBao community can support additional proprietary plugins, but the core release artifacts and release cycle will not include these by default.)

This should greatly reduce the binary size as well, as many dependencies can be removed (as, for instance, the Azure SDK and other cloud provider SDKs can be removed as a dependency, which greatly contributed to binary size -- see

Lastly, storage plugins were removed. Only two types of plugins were officially supported in an Enterprise context upstream: Consul and Raft. Consul is no longer OSI-licensed, and no fork has been made apparent at this time. Other plugins lack features that Raft has (in the Vault Enterprise variant), and support for multiple backend storage plugins has caused other issues. Thus, the decision to simplify to Raft aligns more closely with what upstream has done in practice and greatly reduces our maintenance burden. In-mem and file backends are left for historical testing reasons and will not be supported in production (non-dev-mode) usage.

See for context on the different types of plugins.

Auth plugins


Database plugins


Secrets plugins


Storage backends



Initially no plugins will be removed from this, but the package will remain as a separate repository. However, if PKCS#11 bindings are contributed, this could warrant a migration from native seals to PKCS#11 libraries to reduce binary size and avoid the need to maintain each cloud provider's integration separately. This has the added benefit of easing cross-cloud migrations and being testable locally with SoftHSM.

Net additions and removals

Additions to main repo

  • auth-jwt
  • auth-kerberos
  • auth-kubernetes
  • database-redis
  • secrets-kv
  • secrets-kubernetes
  • secrets-openldap

Removals of builtin plugins to external, community supported

  • auth-alicloud
  • auth-aws
  • auth-azure
  • auth-centiry
  • auth-cf
  • auth-gcp
  • auth-github
  • auth-oci
  • auth-okta
  • database-couchbase
  • database-elasticsearch
  • database-hana
  • database-mongodb
  • database-mongodbatlas
  • database-mssql
  • database-redis, as it relicensed to the proprietary RSALv2 & SSPLv1 licenses after this RFC was accepted and prior to initial Alpha.
  • database-redis-elasticache
  • database-redshift
  • database-snowflake
  • secrets-ad
  • secrets-alicloud
  • secrets-aws
  • secrets-azure
  • secrets-consul
  • secrets-gcp
  • secrets-gcpkms
  • secrets-monogodbatlas
  • secrets-nomad
  • secrets-terraform
  • storage-aerospike
  • storage-alicloudoss
  • storage-azure
  • storage-cassandra
  • storage-cockroachdb
  • storage-consul
  • storage-couchdb
  • storage-dynamodb
  • storage-etcd
  • storage-foundationdb
  • storage-gcs
  • storage-manta
  • storage-mssql
  • storage-mysql
  • storage-oci
  • storage-postgresql
  • storage-s3
  • sotrage-spanner
  • storage-switf
  • storage-zookeeper