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Telemetry metrics overview

Metric types

OpenBao provides three types of telemetry metrics:

  • Counter metrics increment when an event occurs. Counters are cumulative and reset at the end of reporting intervals.
  • Gauge metrics provide measurements of current values.
  • Summary metrics provide observational values. OpenBao commonly uses summaries to measure the time required to for a discrete event to complete.

High-cardinality gauges, like vault.kv.secret.count, update at the interval configured with usage_gauge_period in the telemetry stanza. The default reporting interval for gauge metrics is 10 minutes.

Metric labels

Some telemetry metrics come with additional metadata that provides context for the measurement. For example, a token metric might include the namespace it belongs to or the authentication method used to create it.

Metric metadata is labeled and incorporated into the metric name for the in-memory telemetry and any other telemetry engine that does not support custom labels.

The metric name in the table below is followed by a list of labels supported, in the order in which they appear, if flattened.

auth_methoduserpassAuthorization engine type
clusteropenbao-cluster-d54ad07Name of the cluster where the metric originated
creation_ttl7dTime-to-live assigned at creation, rounded up to the next-highest bucket: 1m, 10m, 20m, 1h, 2h, 1d, 2d, 7d, 30d, or +Inf
mount_pointauth/userpass/Path at which an authentication method or secret engine is mounted
namememoryLimitName of the object being aggregated (for example, a quota or quota rule)
namespacens1A namespace path or root for the root namespace
policydefaultName of the associated policy
secret_enginekvSecrets engine type
token_typeserviceType of the associated token: batch or service
peer_idnode-1Unique identifier of a raft peer node
node_idnode-42Unique identifier of a raft peer node (duplicates peer_id)
snapshot_config_nameconfig1Name of the configuration used for automated snapshots