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tcp listener

The TCP listener configures OpenBao to listen on a TCP address/port.

listener "tcp" {
address = ""

The listener stanza may be specified more than once to make OpenBao listen on multiple interfaces. If you configure multiple listeners you also need to specify api_addr and cluster_addr so OpenBao will advertise the correct address to other nodes.

Listener's custom response headers

OpenBao supports defining custom HTTP response headers for the root path (/) and also on API endpoints (/v1/*). The headers are defined based on the returned status code. For example, a user can define a list of custom response headers for the 200 status code, and another list of custom response headers for the 307 status code. There is a "/sys/config/ui" API endpoint which allows users to set UI specific custom headers. If a header is configured in a configuration file, it is not allowed to be reconfigured through the "/sys/config/ui" API endpoint. In cases where a custom header value needs to be modified or the custom header needs to be removed, the OpenBao's configuration file needs to be modified accordingly, and a SIGHUP signal needs to be sent to the OpenBao process.

If a header is defined in the configuration file and the same header is used by the internal processes of OpenBao, the configured header is not accepted. For example, a custom header which has the X-Vault- prefix will not be accepted. A message will be logged in the OpenBao's logs upon start up indicating the header with X-Vault- prefix is not accepted.

Order of precedence

If the same header is configured in both the configuration file and in the "/sys/config/ui" API endpoint, the header in the configuration file takes precedence. For example, the "Content-Security-Policy" header is defined by default in the "/sys/config/ui" API endpoint. If that header is also defined in the configuration file, the value in the configuration file is set in the response headers instead of the default value in the "/sys/config/ui" API endpoint.

tcp listener parameters

  • address (string: "") – Specifies the address to bind to for listening. This can be dynamically defined with a go-sockaddr template that is resolved at runtime.

  • cluster_address (string: "") – Specifies the address to bind to for cluster server-to-server requests. This defaults to one port higher than the value of address. This does not usually need to be set, but can be useful in case OpenBao servers are isolated from each other in such a way that they need to hop through a TCP load balancer or some other scheme in order to talk. This can be dynamically defined with a go-sockaddr template that is resolved at runtime.

  • http_idle_timeout (string: "5m") - Specifies the maximum amount of time to wait for the next request when keep-alives are enabled. If http_idle_timeout is zero, the value of http_read_timeout is used. If both are zero, the value of http_read_header_timeout is used. This is specified using a label suffix like "30s" or "1h".

  • http_read_header_timeout (string: "10s") - Specifies the amount of time allowed to read request headers. This is specified using a label suffix like "30s" or "1h".

  • http_read_timeout (string: "30s") - Specifies the maximum duration for reading the entire request, including the body. This is specified using a label suffix like "30s" or "1h".

  • http_write_timeout string: "0") - Specifies the maximum duration before timing out writes of the response and is reset whenever a new request's header is read. The default value of "0" means infinity. This is specified using a label suffix like "30s" or "1h".

  • max_request_size (int: 33554432) – Specifies a hard maximum allowed request size, in bytes. Defaults to 32 MB if not set or set to 0. Specifying a number less than 0 turns off limiting altogether.

  • max_request_duration (string: "90s") – Specifies the maximum request duration allowed before OpenBao cancels the request. This overrides default_max_request_duration for this listener.

  • proxy_protocol_behavior (string: "") – When specified, enables a PROXY protocol version 1 behavior for the listener. Accepted Values:

    • use_always - The client's IP address will always be used.
    • allow_authorized - If the source IP address is in the proxy_protocol_authorized_addrs list, the client's IP address will be used. If the source IP is not in the list, the source IP address will be used.
    • deny_unauthorized - The traffic will be rejected if the source IP address is not in the proxy_protocol_authorized_addrs list.
  • proxy_protocol_authorized_addrs (string: <required-if-enabled> or array: <required-if-enabled> ) – Specifies the list of allowed source IP addresses to be used with the PROXY protocol. Not required if proxy_protocol_behavior is set to use_always. Source IPs should be comma-delimited if provided as a string. At least one source IP must be provided, proxy_protocol_authorized_addrs cannot be an empty array or string.

  • tls_disable (string: "false") – Specifies if TLS will be disabled. OpenBao assumes TLS by default, so you must explicitly disable TLS to opt-in to insecure communication.

  • tls_cert_file (string: <required-if-enabled>, reloads-on-SIGHUP) – Specifies the path to the certificate for TLS. It requires a PEM-encoded file. To configure the listener to use a CA certificate, concatenate the primary certificate and the CA certificate together. The primary certificate should appear first in the combined file. On SIGHUP, the path set here at OpenBao startup will be used for reloading the certificate; modifying this value while OpenBao is running will have no effect for SIGHUPs.

  • tls_key_file (string: <required-if-enabled>, reloads-on-SIGHUP) – Specifies the path to the private key for the certificate. It requires a PEM-encoded file. If the key file is encrypted, you will be prompted to enter the passphrase on server startup. The passphrase must stay the same between key files when reloading your configuration using SIGHUP. On SIGHUP, the path set here at OpenBao startup will be used for reloading the certificate; modifying this value while OpenBao is running will have no effect for SIGHUPs.

  • tls_min_version (string: "tls12") – Specifies the minimum supported version of TLS. Accepted values are "tls10", "tls11", "tls12" or "tls13".


Warning: TLS 1.1 and lower (tls10 and tls11 values for the tls_min_version and tls_max_version parameters) are widely considered insecure.

  • tls_max_version (string: "tls13") – Specifies the maximum supported version of TLS. Accepted values are "tls10", "tls11", "tls12" or "tls13".

Warning: TLS 1.1 and lower (tls10 and tls11 values for the tls_min_version and tls_max_version parameters) are widely considered insecure.

  • tls_cipher_suites (string: "") – Specifies the list of supported ciphersuites as a comma-separated-list. The list of all available ciphersuites is available in the Golang TLS documentation.

Note: Go only consults the tls_cipher_suites list for TLSv1.2 and earlier; the order of ciphers is not important. For this parameter to be effective, the tls_max_version property must be set to tls12 to prevent negotiation of TLSv1.3, which is not recommended. For more information about this and other TLS related changes, see the Go TLS blog post.

  • tls_prefer_server_cipher_suites (string: "false") – Specifies to prefer the server's ciphersuite over the client ciphersuites.

Warning: The tls_prefer_server_cipher_suites parameter is deprecated. Setting it has no effect. See the above Go blog post for more information about this change.

  • tls_require_and_verify_client_cert (string: "false") – Turns on client authentication for this listener; the listener will require a presented client cert that successfully validates against system CAs.

  • tls_client_ca_file (string: "") – PEM-encoded Certificate Authority file used for checking the authenticity of client.

  • tls_disable_client_certs (string: "false") – Turns off client authentication for this listener. The default behavior (when this is false) is for OpenBao to request client certificates when available.


Warning: The tls_disable_client_certs and tls_require_and_verify_client_cert fields in the listener stanza of the OpenBao server configuration are mutually exclusive fields. Please ensure they are not both set to true. TLS client verification remains optional with default settings and is not enforced.

  • x_forwarded_for_authorized_addrs (string: <required-to-enable>) – Specifies the list of source IP CIDRs for which an X-Forwarded-For header will be trusted. Comma-separated list or JSON array. This turns on X-Forwarded-For support. If for example OpenBao receives connections from the load balancer's IP of, adding to x_forwarded_for_authorized_addrs will result in the remote_address field in the audit log being populated with the connecting client's IP, for example Note this requires the load balancer to send the connecting client's IP in the X-Forwarded-For header.

  • x_forwarded_for_hop_skips (string: "0") – The number of addresses that will be skipped from the rear of the set of hops. For instance, for a header value of,,,, if this value is set to "1", the address that will be used as the originating client IP is

  • x_forwarded_for_reject_not_authorized (string: "true") – If set false, if there is an X-Forwarded-For header in a connection from an unauthorized address, the header will be ignored and the client connection used as-is, rather than the client connection rejected.

  • x_forwarded_for_reject_not_present (string: "true") – If set false, if there is no X-Forwarded-For header or it is empty, the client address will be used as-is, rather than the client connection rejected.

ACME parameters

The following parameters replace direct certificate acquisition when tls_cert_file is empty. ACME defaults to being enabled. Set the tls_acme_ca_directory to the empty string to disable. These options belong in the root of the TCP listener configuration.

  • tls_acme_ca_directory (string: "") - Path to the ACME directory; defaults to Let's Encrypt's production CA.

  • tls_acme_ca_directory (string: "") - Path to the ACME directory; defaults to Let's Encrypt's staging CA.

  • tls_acme_cache_path (string: "~/.local/share/certmagic") - Specifies the location of the ACME certificate and account information cache to reuse certificates. If this not writable, /var/lib/openbao/certmagic and then a temporary directory in $TEMPDIR will be used as fallback.

  • tls_acme_ca_root (string: "") - Path to an optional Root CA to use to validate connections to the ACME directory. Defaults to all system certificates when empty.

  • tls_acme_eab_key_id (string: "") - Specify the optional External Account Binding account reference.

  • tls_acme_eab_mac_key (string: "") - Specify the optional External Account Binding account protection key.

  • tls_acme_email (string: "") - Specify an optional account the CA may contact you at for expiring certificates or other service-related emails.

  • tls_acme_domains ([]string: nil) - An optional but strongly recommended allow-list of domains to allow acquiring certificates for.

::: warning

Failing to specify tls_acme_domains on a publicly listening server issuing against a publicly trusted CA will allow anyone (including an attacker) to point arbitrary DNS names at your server. This will allow them to force you to request additional certificates from your CA, thereby counting against your quotas and potentially incurring cost on a paid CA offering.

It is thus strongly recommended you specify tls_acme_domains if ACME is enabled.


  • tls_acme_disable_http_challenge (bool: false) - An optional but strongly recommended option to allow disabling HTTP challenges. Use of this method without an HTTP listener causes a temporary bind on port 80; this allows a remote peer to connect (if misconfigured to use HTTP) and potentially send sensitive authentication data in the clear over the wire for the duration the challenge solving listener is active. While this data is ignored on the OpenBao side, it still opens up the possibility of a passive attacker capturing authentication information.

  • tls_acme_disable_alpn_challenge (bool: false) - An optional method for disabling ALPN challenges. This should rarely be needed and only if the ALPN challenge type cannot work for some reason (e.g., a load balancer sitting in front of OpenBao).

telemetry parameters

  • unauthenticated_metrics_access (bool: false) - If set to true, allows unauthenticated access to the /v1/sys/metrics endpoint.

profiling parameters

  • unauthenticated_pprof_access (bool: false) - If set to true, allows unauthenticated access to the /v1/sys/pprof endpoint.

inflight_requests_logging parameters

  • unauthenticated_in_flight_requests_access (bool: false) - If set to true, allows unauthenticated access to the /v1/sys/in-flight-req endpoint.

custom_response_headers parameters

  • default (key-value-map: {}) - A map of string header names to an array of string values. The default headers are set on all endpoints regardless of the status code value. For an example, please refer to the "Configuring custom http response headers" section.

  • <specific status code> (key-value-map: {}) - A map of string header names to an array of string values. These headers are set only when the specific status code is returned. For example, "200" = {"Header-A": ["Value1", "Value2"]}, "Header-A" is set when the http response status code is "200".

  • <collective status code> (key-value-map: {}) - A map of string header names to an array of string values. These headers are set only when the response status code falls under the collective status code. For example, "2xx" = {"Header-A": ["Value1", "Value2"]}, "Header-A" is set when the http response status code is "200", "204", etc.

tcp listener examples

Configuring TLS

This example shows enabling a TLS listener.

listener "tcp" {
tls_cert_file = "/etc/certs/openbao.crt"
tls_key_file = "/etc/certs/openbao.key"

Listening on multiple interfaces

This example shows OpenBao listening on a private interface, as well as localhost.

listener "tcp" {
address = ""

listener "tcp" {
address = ""

# Advertise the non-loopback interface
api_addr = ""
cluster_addr = ""

Configuring unauthenticated metrics access

This example shows enabling unauthenticated metrics access.

listener "tcp" {
telemetry {
unauthenticated_metrics_access = true

Configuring unauthenticated profiling access

This example shows enabling unauthenticated profiling access.

listener "tcp" {
profiling {
unauthenticated_pprof_access = true
unauthenticated_in_flight_request_access = true

Configuring custom http response headers

This example shows configuring custom http response headers. Operators can configure "custom_response_headers" sub-stanza in the listener stanza to set custom http headers appropriate to their applications. Examples of such headers are "Strict-Transport-Security" and "Content-Security-Policy" which are known HTTP headers, and could be configured to harden the security of an application communicating with the OpenBao endpoints. Note that vulnerability scans often examine such security related HTTP headers. In addition, application specific custom headers can also be configured. For example, "X-Custom-Header" has been configured in the example below.

listener "tcp" {
custom_response_headers {
"default" = {
"Strict-Transport-Security" = ["max-age=31536000","includeSubDomains"],
"Content-Security-Policy" = ["connect-src https://clusterA.openbao.external/"],
"X-Custom-Header" = ["Custom Header Default Value"],
"2xx" = {
"Content-Security-Policy" = ["connect-src https://clusterB.openbao.external/"],
"X-Custom-Header" = ["Custom Header Value 1", "Custom Header Value 2"],
"301" = {
"Strict-Transport-Security" = ["max-age=31536000"],
"Content-Security-Policy" = ["connect-src https://clusterC.openbao.external/"],

In situations where a header is defined under several status code subsections, the header matching the most specific response code will be returned. For example, with the config example below, a 307 response would return 307 Custom header value, while a 306 would return 3xx Custom header value.

listener "tcp" {
custom_response_headers {
"default" = {
"X-Custom-Header" = ["default Custom header value"]
"3xx" = {
"X-Custom-Header" = ["3xx Custom header value"]
"307" = {
"X-Custom-Header" = ["307 Custom header value"]

Listening on all IPv6 & IPv4 interfaces

This example shows OpenBao listening on all IPv4 & IPv6 interfaces including localhost.

listener "tcp" {
address = "[::]:8200"
cluster_address = "[::]:8201"

Listening to specific IPv6 address

This example shows OpenBao only using IPv6 and binding to the interface with the IP address: 2001:1c04:90d:1c00:a00:27ff:fefa:58ec

listener "tcp" {
address = "[2001:1c04:90d:1c00:a00:27ff:fefa:58ec]:8200"
cluster_address = "[2001:1c04:90d:1c00:a00:27ff:fefa:58ec]:8201"

# Advertise the non-loopback interface
api_addr = "https://[2001:1c04:90d:1c00:a00:27ff:fefa:58ec]:8200"
cluster_addr = "https://[2001:1c04:90d:1c00:a00:27ff:fefa:58ec]:8201"