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OpenBao agent kubernetes persistent cache

When kubernetes is configured for the persistent cache type, OpenBao Agent will optimize the persistent cache specifically for Kubernetes. This type of persistent cache requires a Kubernetes service account token. The service account token is used during encryption and decryption of the persistent cache as an additional integrity check.

The OpenBao Agent persistent cache file in Kubernetes should only be used for handing off OpenBao tokens and leases between initialization and sidecar OpenBao Agent containers. This cache file should be shared using a memory volume between the OpenBao Agent containers.

If the OpenBao Agent Injector for Kubernetes is being used, the persistent cache is automatically configured and used if the annotation true is set.


  • service_account_token_file (string: optional) - When type is set to kubernetes, this configures the path on disk where the Kubernetes service account token can be found. Defaults to /var/run/secrets/