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KV secrets engine - version 1

The kv secrets engine is used to store arbitrary secrets within the configured physical storage for OpenBao.

Writing to a key in the kv backend will replace the old value; sub-fields are not merged together.

Key names must always be strings. If you write non-string values directly via the CLI, they will be converted into strings. However, you can preserve non-string values by writing the key/value pairs to OpenBao from a JSON file or using the HTTP API.

This secrets engine honors the distinction between the create and update capabilities inside ACL policies.


Note: Path and key names are not obfuscated or encrypted; only the values set on keys are. You should not store sensitive information as part of a secret's path.


To enable a version 1 kv store:

$ bao secrets enable -version=1 kv


After the secrets engine is configured and a user/machine has an OpenBao token with the proper permission, it can generate credentials. The kv secrets engine allows for writing keys with arbitrary values.

  1. Write arbitrary data:

    $ bao kv put kv/my-secret my-value=s3cr3t
    Success! Data written to: kv/my-secret
  2. Read arbitrary data:

    $ bao kv get kv/my-secret
    Key Value
    --- -----
    my-value s3cr3t
  3. List the keys:

    $ bao kv list kv/
  4. Delete a key:

    $ bao kv delete kv/my-secret
    Success! Data deleted (if it existed) at: kv/my-secret

You can also use OpenBao's password policy feature to generate arbitrary values.

  1. Write a password policy:

    $ bao write sys/policies/password/example policy=-<<EOF


    rule "charset" {
    charset = "abcdefghij0123456789"
    min-chars = 1

    rule "charset" {
    charset = "!@#$%^&*STUVWXYZ"
    min-chars = 1

  2. Write data using the example policy:

    $ bao kv put kv/my-generated-secret \
    password=$(bao read -field password sys/policies/password/example/generate)
  3. Read the generated data:

    $ bao kv get kv/my-generated-secret
    ====== Data ======
    Key Value
    --- -----
    password ^dajd609Xf8Zhac$dW24


Unlike other secrets engines, the KV secrets engine does not enforce TTLs for expiration. Instead, the lease_duration is a hint for how often consumers should check back for a new value.

If provided a key of ttl, the KV secrets engine will utilize this value as the lease duration:

$ bao kv put kv/my-secret ttl=30m my-value=s3cr3t
Success! Data written to: kv/my-secret

Even with a ttl set, the secrets engine never removes data on its own. The ttl key is merely advisory.

When reading a value with a ttl, both the ttl key and the refresh interval will reflect the value:

$ bao kv get kv/my-secret
Key Value
--- -----
my-value s3cr3t
ttl 30m


The KV secrets engine has a full HTTP API. Please see the KV secrets engine API for more details.