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Brand standards

This forms an initial policy for the OpenBao logo and color themes. This is a living document and may be subject to change.


This community is called OpenBao. Capital letters on the O and the B, but not the subsequent a and o. OpenBao is not a DAO and thus shouldn't be capitalized as such.

Our company name is OpenBao a Series of LF Projects, LLC. For formal references, please note the parent organization that OpenBao is under, like LF Edge's OpenBao is ....


OpenBao maintains logos in the openbao/artwork repository on GitHub. Logos are categorized by medium (all black, all white, grayscale, and full color).

For instance, under color/openbao-text-color.png is our preferred horizontal logo:


and under color/openbao-vertical-text-color.png is our preferred vertically stacked logo:


Both high-resolution PNGs and lossless SVGs are available.

When necessary, new images can be created on-demand; please file an issue.


The colors used on our website and logo are:



Secondary Green


Shadow Green


Bao #1


Bao #2


Bao #3





Our logo uses a modified version of DM Mono. For additional text beyond the logo, such as in Secrets Management for our table banner image:


please use DM Sans.


When getting stickers printed, please refer to the sticker artwork available in our sticker/ folder of the artwork repository. We prefer to maintain the wordmark association with the OpenBao logo for most uses. Stickers can be printed with a simple shape (rectangle, square, circle) or die-cut to image shape.

When handing out stickers to track interactions at events, it is OK to print a limited run of logo-only stickers to differentiate; these should be die cut to image shape.

Press releases

For any press releases, please reach out the OpenBao TSC ( and to Jill Lovato at the Linux Foundation; the LF must review and approve all press releases prior to publication.