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Installing the OpenBao CSI provider


  • Kubernetes 1.16+ for both the master and worker nodes (Linux-only)
  • Secrets store CSI driver installed
  • TokenRequest endpoint available, which requires setting the flags --service-account-signing-key-file and --service-account-issuer for kube-apiserver. Set by default from 1.20+ and earlier in most managed services.

Installation using helm

The OpenBao Helm chart is the recommended way to install and configure the OpenBao CSI Provider in Kubernetes.

To install a new instance of OpenBao and the OpenBao CSI Provider, first add the OpenBao helm repository and ensure you have access to the chart:


Note: OpenBao CSI Provider Helm installation requires OpenBao Helm 0.10.0+.

$ helm repo add openbao
"openbao" has been added to your repositories

$ helm search repo openbao/openbao
openbao/openbao 0.4.0 v2.0.0-alpha20240329 Official OpenBao Chart

Then install the chart and enable the CSI feature by setting the csi.enabled value to true:


Note: this will also install the OpenBao server and Agent Injector.

$ helm install openbao openbao/openbao --set="csi.enabled=true"

Upgrades may be performed with helm upgrade on an existing installation. Please always run Helm with --dry-run before any install or upgrade to verify changes.

You can see all the available values settings by running helm inspect values openbao/openbao or by reading the OpenBao Helm Configuration Docs. Commonly used values in the Helm chart include limiting the namespaces the OpenBao CSI Provider runs in, TLS options and more.