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Lookup an entity

This endpoint looks up an entity based on the given criteria. The criteria can be name, id, alias_id, or a combination of alias_name and alias_mount_accessor.



  • name (string: "") – Name of the entity.

  • id (string: "") - ID of the entity.

  • alias_id (string: "") - ID of the alias.

  • alias_name (string: "") - Name of the alias. This should be supplied in conjunction with alias_mount_accessor.

  • alias_mount_accessor (string: "") - Accessor of the mount to which the alias belongs to. This should be supplied in conjunction with alias_name.

Sample payload

"id": "043fedec-967d-b2c9-d3af-0c467b04e1fd"

Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \

Sample response

"data": {
"aliases": [],
"creation_time": "2017-11-13T21:01:33.543497Z",
"direct_group_ids": [],
"group_ids": [],
"id": "043fedec-967d-b2c9-d3af-0c467b04e1fd",
"inherited_group_ids": [],
"last_update_time": "2017-11-13T21:01:33.543497Z",
"merged_entity_ids": null,
"metadata": null,
"name": "entity_43cc451b",
"policies": null

Lookup a group

This endpoint looks up a group based on the given criteria. The criteria can be name, id, alias_id, or a combination of alias_name and alias_mount_accessor.



  • name (string: "") – Name of the group.

  • id (string: "") - ID of the group.

  • alias_id (string: "") - ID of the alias.

  • alias_name (string: "") - Name of the alias. This should be supplied in conjunction with alias_mount_accessor.

  • alias_mount_accessor (string: "") - Accessor of the mount to which the alias belongs to. This should be supplied in conjunction with alias_name.

Sample payload

"id": "70a4bdef-9da3-4460-b524-bb08542eef25"

Sample request

$ curl \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \

Sample response

"data": {
"alias": {},
"creation_time": "2017-11-13T21:06:44.475587Z",
"id": "70a4bdef-9da3-4460-b524-bb08542eef25",
"last_update_time": "2017-11-13T21:06:44.475587Z",
"member_entity_ids": [],
"member_group_ids": null,
"metadata": null,
"modify_index": 1,
"name": "group_eaf2aab1",
"policies": null,
"type": "internal"